▽BES, Battle Encoder Shirase 1.3.8: Controls Per-Process CPU Usage ●03/03 23:44 Ver. 1.7.9 (stable) & 1.8.0-test35:March 2, 2025For more than 10 years, BES has also helped various gamers as a handy “anti-freeze” agent, though that is not the original purpose of BES. Well-known examples quick-fixed by BES include The Witcher 3 + BES, dual-core (2015); Kingdom Come: Deliverance + BES; and Red Dead Redemption 2 + BES, 4-core (2019).Version (test) – March 2, 2025[Cha
▽libpng Home Page ●02/26 21:39 reasons). The current public release, libpng 1.6.47, includes fullsupport for the PNG-3 specification,including new mDCV and cLLI chunksand updated colorspace behavior.libpng 1.8.x (or 2.x or 3.x, whatever it ends up being called) is now under development and will eliminate some long-deprecated APIs and "features," potentially breaking compatibility with very old apps.version: 1.