▽Power Line ●01/02 10:34 Favorite Books of 1911Around New Year’s, I have sometimes posted a recap of books I read during the preceding year. I am not doing that this year, partly because I finished the complete works of John D. MacDonald, which is somewhat embarrassing. Instead, I want to note Mark Helprin’s contribution to the Claremont Reviews of Books’ Christmas Review, about which Scott has written, and to which he c
▽himaginaryの日記 ●01/02 06:53 2025-01-01赤ちゃんとマクロ経済ノーベル経済学賞を一昨年に受賞したハーバード大のクラウディア・ゴールディン(Claudia Goldin)が表題のNBER論文(原題は「Babies and the Macroeconomy」)を上げている。以下はその要旨。Fertility levels have greatly decreased in virtually every nation in the world, but the timing of the decline has differed even among developed countries. In Europe, Asia, and North America, total fertility rates of some nations dipped below the magic replacement f