▽ROBO-ONE Antenna Top ●12/22 00:07 Bilder antenna site Check: 2024/12/21 23:4112/21 23:19 陰気な男でいいですか? いしかわきょーすけ さん
▽チロルチョコロボット大会11 ●12/22 00:04 TIROL-CHOCO by Masayuki-san Total:22253 Today:1 Yesterday:5 Powered by PHP 7.1.33. HTML convert time: 0.062 sec.
▽BIPED ROBOT NEWS JAPAN ●12/21 23:44 sponsored by IKETOMU The 14th Wandahoo Robot Carnival took place in Tokyo (July16, 2017)The 14th Wandahoo Robot Carnival took place at Try+ Bunkyo-Douzaka School in Tokyo on July 16th, 2017. Fourteen robots joined the 1...The 25th KONDO CUP Robot Soccer Game KHR Class and Animal Soccer (June 18, 2011)The 25th KONDO CUP Robot Soccer Game KHR Class and Animal Soccer Demo Game took place at ROBOSPOT in Akihaba