▽VOXを訳す! ●02/05 16:01 FT AlphavilleFTAV’s further reading31 分前Opinion | The GuardianStarmer’s EU reset risks being dragged down by the old Brexit undertow | Rafael Behr1 時間前To keep your cool in a heatwave, it may help to water your trees1 時間前Mostly EconomicsThe Long and Short of Financial Development1 時間前macromomSuspect arrested after person, dog hurt in Youngstown shooting1 時間前Marginal RevolutionTrumpi
▽himaginaryの日記 ●02/03 05:24 2025-02-01米国のインフラ:1929-2013というレイ・フェア(Ray C. Fair、イェール大)のSSRN論文をタイラー・コーエンが紹介している。原題は「U.S. Infrastructure: 1929-2023」で、以下はその冒頭部。This paper examines the history of U.S. infrastructure since 1929 and in the process reports an interesting fact about the U.S. economy. Annual U.S. data for the 1929–2023 period on government fixed assets from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) show a large and close