▽しにゃごはん blog ●11/21 21:57 今日はフライパンひとつで作れる、白菜とひき肉を使った簡単めちゃウマな麻婆白菜レシピをご紹介します(*・ᴗ・*)و!がっつり中華風に味付けしたひき肉とトロッと白菜がめちゃウマですよ♬フライパンひとつで洗い物も少ない楽ちんなやつですよ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧
▽Patently-O ●11/21 19:28 USPTO Implements Substantial Fee Increases for 2025: Revenue Needs and Behavioral IncentivesNovember 20, 2024PatentpaidDennis CrouchThe USPTO has issued the final rules that include significant fee increases for patent applicants (and patent challengers), all set to take effect January 19, 2025 -- the final day of the Biden Administration. While some changes appear purely driven by inflation and