▽News From KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY of DPRK ●01/22 12:33 January 21. 2024Regional-Industry Factories Inaugurated in Onchon County, Nampho MunicipalityCommemorative Meeting Held at Ryuwon Footwear Factory in DPRK2025 National Schoolchildren's Games OpenEfforts to Prevent Natural Disasters Brisk in DPRKYouths in Pyongyang Volunteer to Work at Major Theaters of Socialist ConstructionRole of Scientific Farming Promotion Teams Strengthened in DPRKPhot
▽朝鮮民主主義研究センター ●08/26 09:04 Sorry, we're doing some work on the siteThank you for being patient. We are doing some work on the site and will be back shortly.