▽LaunchBar ●12/27 09:09 @launchbar congrats on the launch, it is an amazing piece of software!@andersmellsonNew version of @launchbar looks incredible.@jcentersSomehow I missed how much more capable LaunchBar actions became in version 6. Got some porting to do.@nrileyInserting Emoji with @launchbar is just fantastic ✌️@myoussef
▽[den4b] - Denis Kozlov ●10/26 06:57 2024-09-21T23:27:14+02:00 urn:uuid:35441848-6929-107a-aa55-0869323d158a 2024-09-21T23:27:14+02:00 urn:uuid:e3973d4f-d184-6e21-1ab4-d4a0a408ec15 <p><a href="https://www.den4b.com/products/shutter" rel="nofollow">Shutter</a> 4.8 has been released.</p><p>This is a maintenance update that includes improved support of newer platforms and an updated OpenSSL library for the web interface users. Also, imp