▽John Battelle’s Searchblog ●12/22 08:36 What If Google Goes on Offense?About JohnBoobleApple As An Advertising Company: Inevitable, or A $100 Billion Mistake?Robert Reich: "Saving Capitalism" From ItselfBluesky, Twitter, and "The Open Network"The Tragedy of Generative AI
▽himaginaryの日記 ●12/21 09:52 2024-12-20ビットコイン:新金融秩序かリバタリアンのディストピアか? 過去からの回答:1727-1845年のスコットランドのフリーバンキングというSSRN論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Bitcoin: New Financial Order or Libertarian Dystopia? An Answer from The Past: Free Banking in Scotland 1727-1845」で、著者はMatthew McCaffrey(マンチェスター大学)、Joseph T. Salerno(ミーゼス研究所)、Carmen-Elena Dorobat(マンチェスター・メトロポリタン大学)。This research debunks the myth of Bitcoin as a new financial order by
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▽ The Long Now Blog ●12/20 15:42 Long-term ThinkingReframing the FutureThoughts from The Long Now Foundation’s new Board President on dancing with ideas.By Patrick DowdEssaysElements of a Durable CivilizationBy Stewart BrandNevada Bristlecone PreserveEnlarging the QuestionJonathon Keats in conversation with William L. FoxAnnouncementsLaunching Long Now’s Second Quarter CenturyAnnouncing a new generation of leadership