▽【Podcast】恋する女のロマンス食堂「鈴木涼美のBISTRO LOVIN'」|ELLE ONLINE ●01/02 16:08 「今月、何買った?」エディターのお買い物リレー【Fashion編】【エディターズOKINI】軽くて快適な「カンペール」のリラクシングサンダル【2025年】魅惑のいちごスイーツをお取り寄せ! 旬のいちごをスイーツで楽しもう1月生まれの最旬K‐POPアイドル&韓国スターのお誕生日名鑑♡ADの後に記事が続きます〓2025 HEARST FUJINGAHO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
▽R-bloggers | R news and tutorials contributed by (750) R bloggers ●01/02 15:28 Some of the more useful Tidyverse functionsJanuary 1, 2025 | tomaztsqlR functions for every data engineer using Tidyverse Tidyverse has long been an amazing collection of R packages, primarily for data engineering and data science. Common among these packages is the same language grammar, great design and structure, making data…Read more ›[Read more...]Once more ‘round the sunDecember 31, 202