▽Greg Mankiw’s Blog ●03/12 07:00 Monday, March 10, 2025Four good readings about Trump policyAndr〓s Rodr〓guez-Clare and Arnaud CostinotClifford WinstonCliff AsnessLarry SummersSunday, March 09, 2025Kevin Hassett forgets Econ 101On ABC's This Week, I watched the following exchange in a discussion of President Trump's trade policies:HASSETT: Let's think about it just the way we would do it in Econ 101. If I buy a Mercedes,
▽Economics Lovers Live ●03/03 11:30 2025-03-03伝統的な左翼的視点からの経済学批判へのノア・スミスの反論ノア・スミスの「伝統的な左翼的経済学批判への反論」を書いた記事からの引用。自分の備忘録。元記事https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-04-25/critics-of-economics-are-dwelling-in-the-past一部抜粋A third mistake comes when Reed asserts that “Power relations in the labour market go unexamined.” This ignores several recent high-profile papers that have illustrated how concentrated labor markets pay lower