▽Bread et Butter ●12/22 23:14 Chinese New Year: Almond cookies, with crunch!More Chinese New Year cookies: Pineapple "nastar" tartsBread et ButterCreate a free website or blog at WordPress.com.
▽No Second Life ●12/21 18:56 うに清(うにせい)訪問レポート 〜 真鶴の絶景磯料理店が大人気!!どでかい舟盛り!!圧倒的ボリュームと目の前の海で獲れた新鮮魚介類に悶絶!!2023.05.30
▽MIT Media Lab ●12/21 15:27 Post ResearchHappy holidays...from the MIT Media LabDec. 9, 2024Article ResearchTiny, wireless antennas use light to monitor cellular communicationAs part of a biosensing device without wires, the antennas could help researchers decode intricate electrical signals sent by cells.via MIT News · Dec. 20, 2024in Nano-Cybernetic Biotrek · Media Lab Research Theme: Connected Mind + Body