▽World business, finance and political news from the Financial Times〓 FT.com Asia ●03/12 01:33 Elon Musk’s self-destructionTrump promises to buy a Tesla after electric-car maker’s shares tumbleWall Street stocks under pressure after Trump announces new tariffsElon Musk’s self-destructionTrump promises to buy a Tesla after electric-car maker’s shares tumbleWall Street stocks under pressure after Trump announces new tariffsWall Street loses hope in a ‘Trump put’ for marketsTrump escala
▽himaginaryの日記 ●03/12 00:44 2025-03-10スイスの国内重視銀行における金利リスクの事例というスイス国立銀行のノートをMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「The case of interest rate risk at domestically focused banks in Switzerland」で、著者はJayson Danton、St〓phane Riederer 。A fundamental economic function of the banking system is maturity transformation. This occurs when banks use short-term deposits (which can be withdrawn quickly by customers) to fund long-term loans (which ar
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