▽Philip Wadler’s home page ●12/26 14:18 Explicit Weakening Philip Wadler. A Second Soul: Celebrating the Many Languages of Programming - Festschrift in Honor of Peter Thiemann's Sixtieth Birthday - Freiburg, Germany. EPTCS 413. August 2024.
▽.:: Phrack Magazine ::. ●12/22 16:52 .:.: P H R A C K 4 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N :.:.If you missed the chance to grab a physical copy of the latest issue, it is now available via print on demand! Use this link:https://lulu.com/shop/phrack-zine/phrack-71/paperback/product-zmkeggd.htmlDonations are also now accepted; you can contribute using the details below:* BTC: 1GZq57iK1mnA9s5RaovaN6p5gdAYRZzr1Z* XMR: 41t