▽Recent Uploads tagged マレーグマ ●03/13 23:40 マレーグマ:Sun bear by Toshiya Kawashima11眼光 by No. Ge.8 17マレーグマ / Sun BearSRI_4768 by Jin Kemoole5Helarctos malayanus by Shiori Hosomi1食肉目熊科馬来熊 Helarctos malayanusマレーグマ -malay-guma- by snappir2snappi.blog8.fc2.com/blog-entry-1362.html+google translation+Malaienb〓r (Helarctos malayanus malayanus) by Thomas Maa〓en2"(Thomas Stamford Raffles: 1821)K〓ln (Zoo)"Sun Bear - 02 by Kabacchi1 2
▽Recent Uploads tagged helarctos ●03/13 23:21 Setting Free the Bears by William Bullimore35 131I've named this one after the first ever book by my favourite author, John Irving.From Free the Bears:The sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), also known as the dog bear or honey bear, after its love of honey, is the smallest of the eight bear species. It is black with a golden crescent marking on its chest which, in ancient Eastern folklore, represe