▽Mundo Deportivo ●03/12 20:06 Horario Atl〓tico Real MadridBar〓a Real MadridBar〓aBarcelonaKimmichAlcaraz DimitrovSupervivientesMontoya AnitaMossos d'EsquadraJorge JavierDeepSeekGreen CardLey SB 1718Desierto ArizonaFC BARCELONAFelicidad tras el pase a cuartos y fiesta pensando en LaLigaLALIGA EA SPORTSEl Villarreal presentar〓 alegaciones a la fecha del partido aplazado con el EspanyolTres apercibidos realistas
▽F.C. Internazionale Milano - Sito Ufficiale ●03/12 19:26 — adessoChampions League, Inter ai quarti contro il Bayern: il tabelloneSquadra— 3 ore faVittorie, record e trofei: le 200 panchine di Simone InzaghiSquadra— 11 ore fa— 11 ore fa— 11 ore fa— 12 ore fa— 12 ore fa— 14 ore fa— 16 ore fa— 17 ore fa— 12 ore fa— 11 ore fa— 11 ore fa— 11 ore fa
▽uefa.com ●03/12 18:44 Highlights, round-up: Paris beat Liverpool on penaltiesClubs still in competition/participating clubs Clubs Bonus Check how points are calculated Pts Avg 1 England ENG 6/7 62.250 155.250 22.178 2 Spain ESP 6/7 56.750 142.750 20.392 3 Italy ITA 4/8 61.000 155.000 19.375 4 Germany GER 4/8 54.875 136.875 17.109 5 Portugal POR 2/5 22.250 81.250 16.250Country Check how points are calculated Pts 1 Rea
▽FCBarcelona.com ●03/12 18:43 13 hrs ago14 hrs agoGive Bar〓a this Father's DaySurprise your dad with a blaugrana giftClub33 mins ago12 hrs ago13 hrs ago26th appearance in the Champions League quarter finalsFC Barcelona have history on their side in the last eight of the competitionFirst Team14 hrs ago15 hrs ago