¤Hit & Run : Reason Magazine œ02/11 06:45 Children's RightsNew Hampshire's Bad Parenting Bill Is a Nightmare"I happen to be a tax-and-spend liberal," says Richard Wexler, "but this bill provides not one iota of additional help."Lenore Skenazy | 2.10.2025 4:30 PMArtificial IntelligenceLife, Liberty, and the Right To ShitpostGenerative AI is a powerful tool for creativity and speech. Efforts to censor, regulate, and control it threate
¤Blog Maverick œ02/11 03:59 David Bowen on A Few Words On Healthcare
¤ EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty œ02/11 03:53 Liberalism, Not Only Freedom, as VaccineBy Janet Bufton | Feb 5 2025Scott Sumner offers an argument that liberalism can be a vaccine against authoritarianism. Ifm inclined to believe that committed liberals canft be authoritarian because authoritarianism is illiberal. Itfs not so much that liberalism is a vaccine as it is definitionally true that someone who endorses wholesale illiberalism forfe