kininaru antenna



●01/15 23:53
H〓 5 horasOs 4 bloqueios psicol〓gicos que nos levam a tomar m〓s decis〓es financeirasNesta entrevista, o psic〓logo e especialista financeiro Bradley Klontz compartilha sua hist〓ria pessoal com o dinheiro, e d〓 dicas sobre como administrar melhor suas finan〓as.H〓 17 minutosOscar 2025: as previs〓es dos cr〓ticos da BBC para as indica〓〓es (e o que dizem de Fernanda Torres)Antecipando o an〓ncio, os

●01/15 20:59
INTENSO TIROTEIO NO RIOINTENSO TIROTEIO NO RIOOpera〓〓o no Complexo do Alem〓o prende membros do Comando VermelhoV〓deos: bandidos ateiam fogo em barricadas no Complexo do Alem〓oDelegado da Pol〓cia Civil 〓 morto a tiros em Santo Amaro (SP)previs〓o do tempoTempestades se espalham para o Sul e devem afetar 24 estados nesta quartaPrimeira onda de calor de 2025? Temperatura deve se manter acima de

Astronomy Picture
●01/15 14:09
2025 January 15Wolf Moon Engulfs MarsImage Credit & Copyright: Imran SultanExplanation: Does the Moon ever engulf Mars?Yes, but only in the sense that it moves in front, which happens on rare occasions. This happened just yesterday, though, as seen from some locations in North America and western Africa. This occultation was notable not only because the Moon was a fully lit Wolf Moon, but be

Jamie Oliver

●01/15 09:33
Quick steak stir-fry"Quick, easy and reliable, you know you’re in for one tasty dinner. Try this steak stir-fry recipe if you’re looking for a feel-good meal tonight."Quick steak stir-fry16 minsdf

Matador Records
●01/14 07:02
VIDEO : Horsegirl - "Switch Over"13 January 2025 The ManagementHorsegirl — the New York-via-Chicago trio of best friends Nora Cheng, Penelope Lowenstein, and Gigi Reece — unveil the new single/video, “Switch Over,” from their upcoming second album, Phonetics On and On, out February 14th via Matador Records. Following previously released singles, “2468” and “Julie,” “Switch Over” feels almost mot




(c) Hatena