▽Econbrowser ●12/26 05:34 James Hamiltono Sentiment, Confidence, and Expectations: The Latter Is DownU.Michigan consumer sentiment and Conference Board economic confidence rise. But expectations drop.Continue reading →This entry was posted on December 24, 2024 by Menzie Chinn.Sentiment, Confidence, and Expectations: The Latter Is Down
▽himaginaryの日記 ●12/24 19:42 「暇人也」さん。日本の経済学者っぽい。匿名。 2024-12-23政治力と市場支配力経済 政治というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Political Power and Market Power」で、著者はBo Cowgill(コロンビア大)、Andrea Prat(同)、Tommaso Valletti(インペリアルカレッジロンドン)。Brandeis (1914) hypothesized that firms with market power will also attempt to gain political power. To explore this hypothesis empirically, we combine data on mergers with data on lobbying expenditures and campaign contributions