▽Your Daily Source for Embedded Linux Information ●03/14 20:31 This domain has expired, if you're the owner, click here to renew it.Diese Domain is abgelaufen. Als Besitzer k〓nnen Sie hier klicken, um diese zu verl〓ngern.2025 著作権. 不許複製プライバシーポリシー
▽Physics and Astronomy - PhysLink.com ●03/14 20:14 Magnitude of an Astronomical Objectby NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and ScienceIQ.com'Visual magnitude' is a scale used by astronomers to measure the brightness of a star. The term 'visual' means the brightness is being measured in the visible part of the spectrum, the part you can see with your eye (usually around 5500 angstroms). The first known catalogue of stars was made by the Greek Ast
▽SDL.NET ●03/14 19:04 Analyze and gain insights into the current state of your data.Built on a modular architecture, OpenDQ scales with your enterprise data management needs.Infosolve’s Zero Based Solutions provide clients with comprehensive data solutions that leverage the power of their enterprise data to achieve their business objectives and create strategic opportunities-- without the burdens of cumbersome licens
▽Kate Gregory’s Blog ●03/14 19:01 | Page rendered at Friday, 14 March 2025 05:03:04 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)