▽BARKS - GLOBAL MUSIC EXPLORER ●12/27 06:00 TODAY0:00ゆず、新曲「flowers」をサプライズ配信リリースROF-MAO、2ndミニアルバム『MOMENTUM』発売決定。クリエイターと各種特典公開も10-FEET主催<京都大作戦2025>、開催決定King & Prince、永瀬廉主演ドラマ『御曹司に恋はムズすぎる』主題歌が新曲「HEART」に決定ポップしなないで、配信シングル「エレクトリック修羅」をリリース決定shallm、新曲「アイ・ラブ・ジェー・ケー・キス・デート」配信開始&MV公開新V系バンド・sugar、初ワンマン即日チケット完売
▽TOKYO TDC ●12/27 05:17 Oops, Our website is under maintenance now...But we are already fixing everything!If the matter is urgent, please contact our support team to have immediate assistance.Our contacts:Ukraine: +380 44 594 75 95International: +44 113 467 9515United States: +1 202 849 9515United Kingdom: +44 113 467 9515France: +33 9 71 08 13 28Germany: +49 1573 598 1863Cyprus: +357 22 000 655Email: support@
▽Shift Japan - E-zine ●12/26 13:02 LOUISE BOURGEOIS: I HAVE BEEN TO HELL AND BACK. AND LET ME TELL YOU, IT WAS WONDERFUL.2024.9.4One of the most important artists of the last century, Louise Bourgeois exhibition "Louise Bourgeois: I have been to hell and back. And let me tell you, it was wonderful." will be held art Mori Art Museum from Sep...NEWS00A PERSONAL VIEW OF JAPANESE CONTEMPORARY ART: TAKAHASHI RYUTARO COLLECTION202