▽agiledata.org Home Page ●12/26 18:36 Modern organizations have transitioned to, or are in the process of transitioning to, DevOps. DevOps requires you to adopt WoT and WoW for continuous flow. Agile Data strategies enable DataOps, the data aspects of DevOps, as you see in the following diagram.DataOps: Bringing Databases in DevOpsData Debt:Continuous DW/BIPractices for Continuous DW/BIThin Slicing: Enabling Continuous DW/BI
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▽Oracle JDeveloper ●12/24 20:14 JDeveloper Development ExperienceOracle JDeveloper Overview14 Release ( ADF Documentation LibraryOracle JDeveloper Documentation LibraryInstallation Guide for Oracle JDeveloperJDeveloper and ADF TutorialsRelease NotesOracle Fusion Middleware Documentation LibraryOlder Versions of Oracle ADF
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▽BEA WebLogic Workshop ●12/22 23:54 Oracle WebLogic Server is a unified and extensible platform for developing, deploying, and running enterprise applications in Java for on-premises and in the cloud. WebLogic Server offers a robust, mature, and scalable implementation of Jakarta EE.Oracle WebLogic Server is fully supported on Kubernetes and enables users to migrate and efficiently build modern container apps with comprehensive Jav