▽Bugs y Exploits ●12/27 07:05 | Foro | Web | Blog | Ayuda | Buscar | Ingresar | Registrarse | 26 Diciembre 2024, 23:05 pmTema destacado: Los 10 CVE m〓s cr〓ticos (peligrosos) de 2020<-!-> Herramientas: findjmp, offsets, etc.. (Actualizado) « 1 2 3 » Rojodos 27 76,593 26 Junio 2010, 02:06 amHe creado un nuevo virus de tipo keylogger MissingFile123 2 6,985 6 Mayo 2021, 13:33 pm
▽ Secunia - Secunia Advisories ●12/21 22:34 Flexera 2025 IT Priorities ReportInsights from Flexera’s 2025 IT Priorities Report highlight what’s top of mind for IT decision makers in the year ahead. Discover the challenges, priorities and opportunities that will shape the future IT landscape.VideoClose the Risk Window with Software Vulnerability ManagerStop reacting. Gain control. Stay secure. Build a more effective risk mitigation proce