▽Dream Theater - The Official Site ●01/13 17:25 The first thing John Petrucci worked on when he got his 7-string guitar was the opening to ‘The Mirror,’ which at the time was used as an intro to ‘Take The Time’ and was entitled ‘Puppies On Acid’.
▽THE ALFEE OFFICIAL WEB SITE ●01/11 08:29 [2025.1.10] NEW▼ THE ALFEE「51st Anniversary Spring Celebration」チケット発売情報[2025.1.7]
▽Sound Horizon official website ●12/28 13:30 King Records 2024.12.27 寄付に関しましてのご報告Sound Horizon 20周年記念 ファンクラブ限定 生配信トークイベントにて皆様からいただいた投げ銭から手数料を差し引いた金額:合計...
▽Polysics official ●12/25 10:52 POLYSICS 2024/12/24 ■NEWS■【Top Beat Club 2周年記念ワンマン決定