▽ Judith Hurwitz’s Weblog ●02/01 20:18 Can Facebook Be Accountable?Can IBM Build a Strong Cloud Partner Ecosystem?Yes, you can have an elastic private cloudHP's Ambitious Cloud Computing Strategy: Can HP Emerge as a Power?What's a private cloud anyway?Lotus redux: a transformation in processWhy is IBM in the horizontal solutions business?Predictions for 2011: getting ready to compete in real timeWho is using advanced analytics?
▽SDN ●01/08 21:19 1.2M Members487K OnlineSAP Certification Expiry ReminderAll SAP Certifications issued before April 2024 will expire March 31, 2025. Read more in our SAP Learning group.114272 Posts908283 Posts52789 Posts16432 Posts19286 Posts41714 Posts52615 Posts1026971 PostsStrategy maintenance plan re-scheduling in multiple maintenance package scenarioHello, If in preventive maintenance strategy pl