▽nikq::cube ●03/01 22:18 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /pkn/on this server.
▽Mona PJ Wiki ●06/30 18:09 2020-06-30 Google high DA links
▽みんな仲良しのつもり ●04/25 22:34 add : sample code reading wiimote accelerometer on FreeBSD and their bluetooth stack. you must change LADDR for Bluetooth dongle address and RADDR for wiimote bluetooth address. add : sample code / header to operate IP motor 9203 over UDP. add : earlier versions : additional video and another one ↑オープンソースマガジン記事の説明用に書いた図。Bluetoothが無かったりと今の状況とは異なる。 ・ステッピングモータ(stepping motor) ・適当なBluetooth dongle USB