▽DistroWatch.com: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. ●03/14 02:55 Chimera dropping new RISC-V buildsUbuntu considers replacing GNU coreutils with uutils03/13 audacity • 3.7.3Shabdix GNU/LinuxShabdix GNU/Linux was a live CD based on the KNOPPIX live CD distribution with modifications for the Iranian user. Shabdix was a joint product of LIGLUG and Chapar Shabdiz Ltd and will be available to the public through download and on a CD. The main goal and idea behind
▽Red Hat | The Open Source Leader ●03/08 05:58 PlatformsRed Hat AIA portfolio for developing and deploying artificial intelligence solutions across the hybrid cloud.Red Hat Ansible Automation PlatformA foundation for implementing enterprise-wide automation.FeaturedRed Hat OpenShift Virtualization EngineRed Hat OpenShift Service on AWSMicrosoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift
▽レッドハット | オープンソース・カンパニー ●03/08 00:36 Red Hat AI人工知能ソリューションを開発し、ハイブリッドクラウド全体にデプロイするためのポートフォリオRed Hat Ansible Automation Platform組織全体での自動化を実装するための基盤注目のコースと認定Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization EngineRed Hat OpenShift Service on AWSMicrosoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift