▽TheServerSide.com - News, Patterns, Reviews, Discussions, Articles, Books ●02/08 04:27 How to run Jenkins in a Docker containerJenkins is arguably the world's most popular open source CI/CD tool. Docker is the most popular containerization technology. Here's how to bring the two together.How to delete a local Git branch
▽IBM Japan ●02/06 16:15 順天堂大学、患者一人ひとりに最適な医療機関への転院を支援する「PFM AIマッチングシステム」の構築および運用に向けた取り組みを開始IBM、2024年度第4四半期の連結決算を発表CSRD/ESRS報告対応を含むESGデータ情報管理・報告のためIBM Envizi ESG Suiteをアステラス製薬が採用
▽Apache Ant - Welcome ●01/16 16:28 Apache Ivy 2.5.3December 23, 2024 - Apache Ivy 2.5.3 ReleasedApache Ivy 2.5.3 is now available for download as source or binary from https://ant.apache.org/ivy/download.cgi.Ivy 2.5.3 is a bug fix release, no new features have been added.