▽The New Yorker ●12/27 04:07 What Good Is Morality?Our basic sense of right and wrong appears to be the product of blind evolution. The hard question is how unsettling that should be, Nikhil Krishnan writes.What to Cook Over Christmas and New Year’sThis week is perfect for finally making all the cookies and slow braises and odd little dishes that I’d intended to put together in the first part of the month and just never di
▽CNN.com ●10/07 11:07 cnn Harris weighs more breaks with BidenKarachi Airport blastMan says prison saved his lifeNobel Prize weekWorld’s best new skyscraper
▽Flip Flop Flyin’ ●08/03 04:52 Future home of something quite cool.If you're the site owner, log in to launch this siteIf you are a visitor, check back soon.
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