▽Cardhoarder: The Premier MTGO Store for Magic the Gathering Online cards ●12/25 12:08 We will be closed on Christmas Day (from midnight through midnight). Orders and rentals should go through normally, but may be delayed where additional review is necessary. Customer service will be unavailable during this time, and so all Loan Program account changes and Tix/Collection sales will be unavailable until we reopen.
▽MTGO Traders Magic the Gathering Online Cards ●11/23 01:41 Wednesday, November 22, 2023State of the Program for November 22nd, 2023Joshua ClaytorAs the chapter closes on PureMTGO, join Joshua for a final State of the Program!Wednesday, November 22, 2023Diaries of the Apocalypse: Final ChapterGianluca AicardiTribal Wars endures! Even if this article series will be over.Tuesday, November 21, 2023Constructed Criticism 483: Diving Into ImprovementS