▽VFXWorld by AWN ●03/12 04:34 HandCraft Pro Mocap Tool Now AvailableDeveloped and released by animator Tal Minks, the system allows users to capture real-time hand motion with a webcam and bake directly onto characters in Maya.Technology Headline NewsHandCraft Pro Mocap Tool Now AvailableBy L'Wren Alexa | Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 11:07amDeveloped and released by animator Tal Minks, the system allows users to capture rea
▽Welcome to CG Channel ●03/12 03:23 Tutorial: Creating Production-Ready Hero Assets Using MariMaster professional asset development workflows for VFX with The Gnomon Workshop's advanced-level tutorial.Sunday, March 9th, 2025AMD releases Capsaicin 1.2Check out the new features in the modular, open-source, hardware-agnostic framework for developing real-time rendering technology.Saturday, March 8th, 2025AMD launches FSR 4, AFMF
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