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▽榮倉奈々オフィシャルサイト ●12/22 16:32 2024.12.20【レポート】榮倉奈々『インスタントん♪CAF〓 by AGF』オープニングイベント
▽Google Research Scientists and Engineers: Jeffrey Dean ●12/22 15:07 Emergent abilities of large language modelsBarret ZophColin RaffelDale SchuurmansDani YogatamaDenny ZhouDon MetzlerEd H. ChiJason WeiLiam B. FedusMaarten Paul BosmaOriol VinyalsPercy LiangSebastian BorgeaudTatsunori B. HashimotoYi TayTMLR (2022)Preview Preview abstract Scaling up language models has been shown to predictably confer a range of benefits such as improved performance