▽Java Platform SE 6 ●02/17 04:50 Java SE EmbeddedJakarta EE 8Learn more: The world's premier developer conference for the Java communityFeatured Java blogs
▽Androido Developers ●02/16 10:15 Java SE EmbeddedJakarta EE 8Learn more: The world's premier developer conference for the Java communityFeatured Java blogs
▽Apache Ant - Welcome ●01/16 16:28 Apache Ivy 2.5.3December 23, 2024 - Apache Ivy 2.5.3 ReleasedApache Ivy 2.5.3 is now available for download as source or binary from https://ant.apache.org/ivy/download.cgi.Ivy 2.5.3 is a bug fix release, no new features have been added.
▽Scala Documentation - Scala Documentation ●11/26 20:10 Scala 3 MigrationWhat's New?Migrating From Scala 2New Features for ScaladocVideos and TalksWhat's New?Migrating From Scala 2New Features for ScaladocVideos and Talks