▽unmatched <style> | CSS Gallery. Design News. Resources. ●03/13 14:27 Design FirmGalleryObriy Design B〓roModern corporate website for a design agency. Inspired by a brutalist web design style, the site combines a structured layout with color accents, 3D elements, and a modern aesthetic.(Re)vive
▽index ●03/13 05:17 Posts Pages Tags About ArchiveWelcome to the site. My latest masterpiece is below. Menu up above will get you most other places.Q1 UpdateMar 9, 2025Just a general update on what’s been happening since my last ramblings.M8Mainly just making music. Still rocking on the DirtyWave M8. Actually, still on the headless version, which runs on a Teensy 4.1 board plugged into my computer. I did manage