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▽Mark Linimon’s FreeBSD stuff ●01/30 03:54 order.Note that due to their age, some of the discussions are OBE.GNATS Problem Report Workflow (BSDCan 2007) (now OBE but some of the discussion still applies)BugBusting/GNATS Birds-Of-a-Feather (BOF) session (inconclusive) (BSDCan 2008)Sun Jan 28 02:08:15 UTC 2024
▽bsdforums.org - FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD Darwin Mac OSX Linux Unix forums, message boards, discussions and news. ●05/26 20:28 Testing 123.. This page is used to test the proper operation of the Apache HTTP server after it has been installed. If you can read this page it means that this site is working properly. This server is powered by CentOS. Just visiting? The website you just visited is either experiencing problems or is undergoing routine maintenance. If you would like to let the administrators of this website know