▽NY天気予報 ●12/27 08:34 As of 6:22 pm EST6%ESE 2 mph6%ESE 2 mphHumidity57%UV Index2 of 1159%Humidity70%45°/44°45°Periods of rain. High near 45F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%.Humidity84%44°67%ESE 3 mphRain showers in the evening becoming a steady light rain overnight. Low 44F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%.Humidity84%57°/55°SSE 12 mphSSE 12 mphShowers early, becoming a s
▽NY 地下鉄マップ ●12/27 06:56 (image 137965)Photo by: Christopher HendersonLocation: Aqueduct Racetrack(image 5140)Photo by: Joe TestagroseLocation: Aqueduct/North Conduit Avenue(image 69764)Photo by: Bob VogelLocation: Jay St./Metrotech (Borough Hall)(image 147377)Photo by: Michael HodurskiLocation: Kings Highway(image 34061)Location: 34th Street/Penn Station