▽The Economist ●01/05 07:51 BriefingYoung customers in developing countries propel a boom in plastic surgeryFalling costs and converging beauty standards spur new habitsUnited StatesTrump has faced down Republican dissidents in CongressAfter some drama he gets his man for speaker of the House. That was the easy partAmerica is proposing to sell arms to Israel worth $8bn...Russia vowed retaliation after claiming to have
▽Bloomberg.co.jp - ブルームバーグ - 世界の最新金融情報サイト ●01/04 18:45 NY州裁、トランプ氏に出廷命令-10日に「口止め料」量刑言い渡しby Erik Larson、Patricia Hurtado1/3/25, 3:51 PM ESTバイデン大統領、米国の沿岸部での新たな石油掘削を禁止へ-関係者1/4/25, 2:41 AM ESTラスベガスでのテスラ車爆発、容疑者はPTSD-テロでないとFBI1/4/25, 3:51 AM ESTラスベガスでのテスラ車爆発、容疑者はPTSD-テロでないとFBIJohn Gittelsohn 1/4/25, 3:51 AM ESTバイデン大統領、米国の沿岸部での新たな石油掘削を禁止へ-関係者Jennifer A Dlouhy 1/4/25, 2:41 AM ESTラスベガスでのテスラ車爆発、容疑者はPTSD-テロでないとFBIJohn Gittelsohn 1/4/25, 3:51 AM ESTバイ