


Karen Coyle’s Home Page
●03/16 10:33
OpenWEMIThe concepts of Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item were introduced for use in library catalogs around 2000. Because of constraints appropriate to those catalogs, they may not be usable by other communities. OpenWEMI is an RDF vocabulary that defines WEMI with a minimum semantic commitment so that these concepts can be used outside of the library catalog context. This implements the

Syun Tutiya’s Talks
●02/06 23:22
文学部行動科学コース認知情報科学専修の2023年度卒業論文発表会のご案内を致します。興味のある方は、学部学科に問わずぜひおこしください。 ○ 日時: 2024年 02月05日 09:00 ~ 18:00(予定) ○ 場所: 文学部棟206 <タイムスケジュール>9:00 ~ 10:4001. A01 [pdf] 大森 空: 所要時間比較のナッジ文言を用いた階段利用促進の検証02. A02 [pdf] 山田 知親: 聴取の反応の違いによる演者が落語中に用いる語りの方略の変化について03. A03 [pdf] 住吉 正成: 方言が無意味語アクセントに与える影響の検討04. A04 [pdf] 鈴木 ひとみ: 多人数会話における関係性による視線行動の違い05. A05 [pdf] 池田 恵悟: 自動車運転時に助手席乗員はどんな役割を担っているのか 10:50 ~ 12:1006. B01 [pd

Marylaine Block
●09/22 20:38
Finding the best online casino site in the UK can be a challenging task due to the multitude of options available. This guide provides a comprehensive list of the top online casinos in the UK. We will provide you with information on the essential elements required to become one of the top performers. Moreover, our reputable experts at csiss.org will offer you guidance on the rating system, selecti

Facet Publishing – publishing for library and information professionals worldwide
●06/27 17:43
Libraries: Better by Design after COVID 19Since the COVID-19 pandemic, library design has changed. Authors Stella Thebridge and Ayub Khan discuss how best practice developed for libraries and how it affected writing the second edition of Better by Design.

Roy Tennant
●02/13 01:44
On Arrival and the Present Human ConditionI've never in my life seen a movie in the theatre twice in two weeks. Until now. I saw Arrival alone, as my wife is not into science fiction that much. But after I saw it, I knew she had to see it, so then I took her. I understood even more seeing it again, as it is a very cerebral movie and it's easy to miss things the first time.From the initial strain




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