▽Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine ●12/21 20:02 You have accessMatter of the heart: Prioritizing harm reduction in managing infective endocarditis associated with injection drug useAkhil Anand, MD, Jared Ontko, Jyothika Yermal, Kush Sehgal, MBBS and Ashley Cantu-Weinstein, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine December 2024, 91 (12) 731-734; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3949/ccjm.91a.24020Despite specialty society recommendations, many patients
▽American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine ●12/21 18:03 Air Hunger Far Exceeds Dyspnea Sense of Effort During Mechanical Ventilation and a Weaning TrialJubran et al.Adenolipoma of the Bronchus: An Extremely Rare Benign TumorTang et al.Nasal High Flow to Modulate Dyspnea in Orally Intubated PatientsLe Stang et al.
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▽Chest ●08/25 18:00 Rendering failed! /usr/src/app/styleguide-templates/maint-210614-fca05d01marlin/ui-products/marlin/sourceJs/_settings.ejs:40 38| 39| >> 40| > 41| 42| > 43| lazyload__css is not defined c = css-selected-lastin-head,p = marlin,v = maint-210614-fca05d01marlin