▽S H I M A ●03/13 08:31 水川 渚沙関口 圭介Momo増田 千慧奥田 結香tokio山内 涼太郎米沢 碧伊藤 里奈水戸 里歌子田中 佑佳草間 智士田縁 海人高殿 七海田畑 蓮奈山口 温子MOMOKO
▽~Futurefarmers~ ●03/13 08:31 Flatbread SocietyTesting ovens at IASPIS in Stockholm, Sweden.Extention of Frank Lloyd Wright Bench into a cobbler's bench at the Guggenheim Museum NYC.Futurefarmers archivists. Transcribing sight and sound 1994-2000.Annual HarvestPainting fruit boxes on 50 year old apple farm in Belgium.Annual HarvestPainting fruit boxes on 50 year old apple farm in Belgium.Flatbread Society Iaspis, Stock
▽QBN - Design Industry News & Discussion ●03/13 07:48 monospaced10NYC Job huntingAfter nearly 3 months on the hunt, things lit up this week. Two recruiters found me, I have an agent now, and I just completed a second round interview and am moving into a final round next week for a really nice spot. I have experienced new lows the last few weeks, so this feels really good. Wish me luck! I might be the leader of a fledgling in house creative team at