▽Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server Project ●01/25 21:49 Apache httpd 2.4.63 Released 2025-01-23¶release of version 2.4.63 of the Apache HTTP Server ("httpd").2.4.63 | Complete ChangeLog forCopyright 〓 1997-2025 The Apache Software Foundation.
▽MySQL AB :: MySQL 5.0 Downloads ●01/23 16:14 MySQL Community Server 9.2.0 Innovation9.2.0 Innovation8.4.4 LTS8.0.41Windows (x86, 64-bit), MSI Installer 9.2.0 118.7M(mysql-9.2.0-winx64.msi) MD5: 25b9094c1440d625176a576b5de33778 | SignatureWindows (x86, 64-bit), ZIP Archive 9.2.0 290.1M(mysql-9.2.0-winx64.zip) MD5: 42610e09dadd84e0a55f5872877bbf35 | SignatureDebug Binaries & Test Suite 9.2.0 825.0M(mysql-9.2.0-winx64-debug-test.zip) M
▽KDDI au: 技術情報 > IPアドレス帯域 ●12/19 10:19 サービスを停止しています[Service temporarily unavailable]お客様がアクセスしたページは、一時的にサービスを停止しているため閲覧することができません。大変お手数ですがしばらく時間をおいてから、もう一度ページにアクセスしなおしてください。The page that you are attempting to access is temporarily unavailable due to service maintenance.Try to access the page again later.COPYRIGHT (C) KDDI CORPORATION, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
▽apache friends - xampp for windows ●05/17 08:24 XAMPP for Windows 7.4.29, 8.0.19 & / PHP 8.0.19 What's Included?8.1.6 / PHP 8.1.6 What's Included?Includes: Apache 2.4.53, MariaDB 10.4.24, PHP 7.4.29, phpMyAdmin 5.2.0, OpenSSL 1.1.1, XAMPP Control Panel 3.2.4, Webalizer 2.23-04, Mercury Mail Transport System 4.63, FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.41, Tomcat 8.5.78 (with mod_proxy_ajp as connector), Strawberry Perl PortableInclud