¤[A.I.T.] Arts Initiative Tokyo - MAD - Making Art Different - œ05/21 11:20 Welcome to AIT News & Updates y2020-06-26z Exhibition: Mercedes-Benz Art Scope 2018-2020 y2017-11-16z AIT SLIDE TALK #35 A workshop on attentional practices hPolishing the Spectacle of Myselfh: A Brief Introduction to the Work of ESTAR(SER) y2017-11-06z AIT ARTIST TALK #72 hHistory flows from all the presentsh y2017-10-12z AIT ARTIST TALK #71 hTangled Thread over Southeast Asiah y2017-10-10z DIVER
¤Ikegami Lab. - PukiWiki œ07/19 23:07 Ikegami Lab. http://sacral.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index.php?Ikegami%20Lab. [ įÌß ] [ •ÒW | “€Œ‹ | ·•ª | ÊÞ¯¸±¯Ìß | “Y•t | ØÛ°ÄÞ ] [ V‹K | ˆê—— | ’PŒêŒŸõ | ÅIXV | ÍÙÌß ] MainPage Members Projects Publications Link Contact Internal ÅV‚Ì5Œ 2006-07-18 UNO, Ryoko 2006-05-13 Contact Members 2006-03-27 List of Papers (Lang project) 2005-10-11 SandBox edit IKEGAMI Lab. Complex Systems and Artificial Life Members Projects Publica