▽THE MICETEETH official web site ●11/23 04:12 Bearish dragonfly doji: what to know?Bearish dragonfly doji: what to know?As stock prices never remain static, it is important to know the factors that explain their rise and fall. The bearish dragonfly doji is a Japanese candlestick that helps to understand stock market uncertainties. In the following lines you will get some details about this Japanese candlestick...Tuesday 02/15/2022Take adv
▽ 踏 切 次 第 ●06/16 07:06 Ooops! It seems that you've been Bounced away!Click the button to return to the main site. Fly Away
▽blues interactions ●07/27 00:57 DJ FILLMORE / MUROZO / ES-PLANT [RIDE ON]at 東京 JAZZANOVA Live featuring PAUL RANDOLPH / 七尾旅人 / 近藤房之助 & THE1968 BAND / LETTUCE [FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL ’13]at 新潟 08/02 トクマルシューゴ [ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2013]at 茨城