▽site-f* ●03/18 22:33 intercommunication-Design Inc.
▽pya! ●05/29 22:44 whenthejeffisus WHEN THE JEFF IS SUS!!!!!!!!!!
▽The Edward Said Archive :: أرشيف إدوارد سعيد - News ●06/15 17:05 Edward Said Edward W. Said was born in〓 Al〓Quds (Arabic: 〓〓〓〓〓 ), the capital of Palestine ( now Jerusalem ) on 1 November 1936 and died on 25 September 2003 in New Yok City. Heir to a wealthy Palestinian Christian family, he soon moved to Cairo where he attended Victoria College. Among his companions was the future King of Jordan Hussein, and Omar Sharif. Last update on June 10, 2020 Close