▽SiliconValley.com : Silicon Valley technology news and opinion ●03/12 00:53 46°F46°FSouthwest Airlines to start charging for checked bagsLast year, the Dallas-based airline announced it was doing away with another tradition, the open-boarding system.Silicon Valley tech campus flops into default on $100 million-plus loanSUBSCRIBER ONLYSan Francisco and Pasadena tie for 2nd-hardest spot to find a rental in USSave Mount Diablo acquires 98-acre Schwendel Ranch in “land
▽SiliconBeat: News about tech money and innovation ●03/11 23:43 46°FTuesday, March 11th 202546°FTuesday, March 11th 2025Q&A: Measles outbreak49ers free agencyNo housing, no growthRainy season continuesBay Area tech jobs‘Peak Palo Alto’?
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