▽nammana: sounds Archives ●07/02 20:14 var t = 5, n = document.getElementById(”js-sec-circle”); document.getElementById(”js-sec-text”).innerHTML = t, si = setInterval(function() { if (0 == t) { clearInterval(si); location.href = a[m] } else { t -= 1, document.getElementById(”js-sec-text”).innerHTML = t; var e = Math.round(t / 1 * 735); n.style.strokeDashoffset = e - 735 } }, 970) } function gotolinks() { location.href = a[m] }
▽Dejimah Radio MODOKI ●07/02 19:40 var t = 5, n = document.getElementById(”js-sec-circle”); document.getElementById(”js-sec-text”).innerHTML = t, si = setInterval(function() { if (0 == t) { clearInterval(si); location.href = a[m] } else { t -= 1, document.getElementById(”js-sec-text”).innerHTML = t; var e = Math.round(t / 1 * 735); n.style.strokeDashoffset = e - 735 } }, 970) } function gotolinks() { location.href = a[m] }
▽soundCommons :: weblog :: ●06/21 03:56 tom r mixing doo-dooettes LP ”look to this” 1981 Posted by TomRecchion Published: 2004-09-09 17:12:41
▽Python Zope 友の会 - 公式フォーラム ●06/24 05:37 Gone The requested resource /Plone/Forum is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.
▽Audioblog/Mobileblogging News ●03/29 23:14 Wednesday, March 29, 2006 Audioblogging 2.0 - Daily Tech Update - for Wednesday, March 29, 2006 Facebook’s on the Bidding Block BBC News says a US group wants a China spy probe Wired is reporting that The Federal Election Commission decided Monday that the nation’s new campaign finance law will not apply to most political activity on the Internet Zillow already has some competition NewsFordge tell