▽arxiv.org - Quantum Physics ●12/21 03:50 Showing new listings for Friday, 20 December 2024Total of 125 entriesNew submissions (showing 58 of 58 entries)[1] arXiv:2412.14227 [pdf, html, other]Title: Universality of the Weyl-Heisenberg symmetry and its covariant quantisationsJean-Pierre Gazeau, C〓lestin Habonimana, Romain Murenzi, Aidan ZlotakComments: 33 pages, 6 figures,Subjects: Quantum Physics (quant-ph)The Weyl-Heisenberg symm
▽東京工業大学 ●10/04 20:47 トップページ大学について教育研究社会連携国際交流大学で学びたい方(Science Tokyo 受験生へ)大学院で学びたい方企業・研究者の方卒業生の方在学生の方教職員向け(学内限定)
▽arXiv.org e-Print archive ●09/14 22:24 The 2024 Forum has ended! Thank you for your support. Check the website or signup to be notified when recordings are available.