▽TRIGLAV ●01/09 06:38 Triglav is a hack & slash type action RPG made with JavaScript that can be played through a web browser. You can play for free. The update continues in the mobile version right now.Download for iOS from App Store and for Android from Google Play.2023-10-61,000,000 Downloads!Five years after its release, the total number of downloads of the mobile version of Triglav has reached one million.It
▽オンラインゲーム情報サイト【ネットゲームナビ】 ●01/05 10:01 Apache FriendsMenuFAQsHOW-TO GuidesPHPInfophpMyAdminXAMPP Apache + MariaDB + PHP + PerlWelcome to XAMPP for Windows 8.2.12You have successfully installed XAMPP on this system! Now you can start using Apache, MariaDB, PHP and other components. You can find more info in the FAQs section or check the HOW-TO Guides for getting started with PHP applications.XAMPP is meant only for develo