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  1. 2024/05/12 06:08:35 BuzzFeed Top 20
  2. 2024/05/12 05:52:03 OH NO THEY DIDN’T!
  3. 2024/05/12 05:49:51 Food - Japan Forums
  4. 2024/05/12 05:44:08 f * c k e d g a i j i n :: Main
  5. 2024/05/12 05:33:19 ComingSoon.net - Movie Trailers
  6. 2024/05/12 04:43:07 Drew Curtis’ FARK.com
  7. 2024/05/11 22:50:06 Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things
  8. 2024/05/11 16:14:18 女王蟻の部屋
  9. 2024/05/11 15:49:00 2NN+ 2ちゃんねるニュース速報+ナビ
  10. 2024/05/11 13:33:44 PerezHilton.com
  11. 2024/05/11 13:01:33 The List Universe
  12. 2024/05/11 07:39:36 【2ch】ニュー速VIPブログ(`・ω・´)
  13. 2024/05/10 02:32:49 A Socialite’s Life
  14. 2024/05/10 01:58:26 Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.
  15. 2024/05/07 13:19:49 Yahoo! Movies: Entertainment News & Gossip
  16. 2024/05/03 20:35:39 Hollywood Rag - Celebrity Ragazine
  17. 2024/05/02 23:54:25 pig out diary
  18. 2024/04/21 04:30:17 The Superficial - Because You’re Ugly
  19. 2024/03/28 10:40:15 はてなダイアリー - 妄言
  20. 2024/02/04 11:55:17 Tokyo Art Beat - Tokyo’s Art and Design Amplifier
  21. 2024/01/04 02:38:19 Daddy Types, the weblog for new dads
  22. 2024/01/03 04:13:45 The CANADIAN DESIGN RESOURCE
  23. 2023/09/03 20:56:51 Awful Plastic Surgery
  24. 2023/08/25 20:45:10 Metroblogging Tokyo
  25. 2021/09/30 02:23:42 Japan With Kids - The interactive online community for English speaking parents in Japan!
  26. 2021/08/16 17:27:19 はてなダイアリー - みみだれ
  27. 2021/03/23 18:01:30 Defamer
  28. 2020/04/24 05:04:23 JLA FORUMS
  29. 2020/04/21 06:36:50 9th Wonders | The Official/Unofficial Fan Site for HEROES
  30. 2020/03/17 12:56:52 ABC(アメリカン・バカコメディ)振興会
  31. 2019/01/19 05:52:30 Movie & TV News @ IMDb.com
  32. 2018/09/10 08:59:27 ワラタ2ッキ
  33. 2018/06/27 17:47:14 Gawker Stalker
  34. 2017/12/20 17:24:19 Go Fug Yourself
  35. 2015/01/31 06:40:20 X51.ORG : Occult News for Nerds, Truth is Out There.
  36. 2012/06/15 02:42:39 celebrity terrorist.
  37. 2008/09/15 06:56:55 ROCK★SHOW!
  38. 2008/09/10 03:41:09 Apple - QuickTime - Movie Trailers
  39. 2008/02/13 23:36:46 :: Metropolis Tokyo :: Japan’s No.1 English Magazine