▽The World Wide Web Consortium ●12/21 23:12 AudioEye, Inc. Client side development Inc Zoom BarrierBreak Technologies Siteimprove Movement for an Open Web
▽IFX Forum ●12/18 06:26 AAP/APRP ExchangeMember ResourcesAfinis APIsAccess the IFX Business Message Specification StandardThe IFX Standard
▽OASIS ●12/11 07:07 CoSAI Forms Technical Steering Committee to Advance AI Security WorkstreamsOASIS Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Common Alerting ProtocolNew Blog Post: Advancing Cybersecurity in Space at OASISOASIS celebrates 20 years of CAP and 25 years of MQTT innovationJoin our team: OASIS is seeking a Director of Business Development and PartnershipsCoalition for Secure AI Forms Technical Steering Committ
▽Apache XML Security ●11/06 15:52 November 2024Version 4.0.3 and 3.0.5 of the Apache XML Security for Java library have been released, containing a mixture of bug fixes and new features.