▽Home - Wallpaper.com - International Design Interiors Fashion Travel ●03/13 03:51 India's new design destinationMan United’s new stadiumSalone tickets & timingsThe Wallpaper* wellness report: thermal bathing is an ancient art set to rise in 2025Emma O’Kelly investigates the rise of thermal bathing‘The Indian market has come of age’: Inside Nilaya Anthology, India’s first international design destinationNilaya Anthology – a global design showroom with a distinctly Indian p
▽TFJ’s Sidewalk Cafe: Conversation Room ●03/12 23:40 [4246] 嶋田 丈裕 <tfj(at)kt.rim.or.jp>- 小杉町, 川崎市, Tue Mar 11 23:12:59 2025先々週末の土曜は午後に三軒茶屋へ。このコンテンポラリー・ダンス公演を観て来ました。tanzmainzPromiseタンツマインツ 『PROMISE』世田谷パブリックシアター2025/03/01, 15:00-16:00.Choreografie: Sharon Eyal.K〓nstlerische Beratung: Gai Behar;Kost〓me: Rebecca Hytting;Komposition: Ori Lichtik;Licht und B〓hne: Alon Cohen;Choreografische Assistenz: Rebecca Hytting, Keren Lurie Pardes.T〓nze